Spell Description Type Category Target Range Duration Last_Modified Token Source Absorb Damage Reduces by up to 3 life points any damage done to you by a single attack. Has no effect on duration-based spells. Counteraction Spell Incoming point-based attack 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Absorb Spell "Nullifies and takes into your hand one spell card used directly against you. Does not include NUMBER cards. Will work against COUNTERACTIONS that affect you directly (e.g., REFLECTION, DOUBLE BACK), but not against FULL SHIELD, ANTI-ANTI, objects, or any spells that objects and creations produce." Counteraction Spell Incoming spell 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Achoo! "In a chosen direction, causes anything floating or flying to be moved back as far as possible then just around the nearest corner. A temporary SLIME will appear on the space adjacent to you. It is like the spell FILL SQUARE WITH SLIME in all respects, except that it may be created on top of other characters or objects, and it lasts only one turn." Neutral Spell Adjacent square 12/22/2003 PacifiCon fan Add "You may add two NUMBER cards together for any single action. These NUMBER cards must be played together, immediately upon casting the ADD spell." Neutral Modifier Two number cards 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Adrenaline Recipient may attack twice per turn. (Doesn't override any limits on how often a specific item may be used.) Duration = NUMBER card. Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Already? "Turn suddenly ends for wizard who ENTERS YOUR SQUARE or whose controlled creature enters your square. They may take no further actions apart from discarding and drawing cards. (If they have a spell in progress, it is halted and they retain it.)" Counteraction Spell Opponent entering your square 12/21/2003 Klimek Alter Ego "Creates a stationary double of yourself in the square you now occupy. It may use any of the spells in your hand, and you need not be within LOS for it to do so. Any damage at all destroys it." Neutral Created Monster Same square 12/19/2003 ~Alter Ego Tom Jolly Alter Reality "Take one of the unused boards, flip it over in a random orientation, and replace the one on which your wizard is standing. All tokens are moved onto the new board in the same relative positions. Tokens overlaying real walls (such as WALL OF FIRE) are removed." Neutral Spell Same sector 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Amplify "Doubles the power of one point or duration-based spell. Two AMPLIFY spells quadruple spell power when used together. If used with SHIELDSTONE, WIZARDBLADE, or other permanent magic items, only affects that item for one use." Neutral Modifier One of your spells 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Animate Door "Target door is now enchanted, having a movement rate of 1 (along walls only). It moves, opens and closes on your command alone; it is JAMMED for anyone else. Any damage to door will dispel enchantment." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Any door in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Animated Door Klimek Animate Object "Animates a moveable, uncarried item, placing it under your control. Movement: 2, Life: 1. ""Killing"" the item merely returns it to an inanimate state. Animated items have all normal qualities (weapons can attack, etc.). NOT considered a MONSTER, CREATURE or CREATION." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Any moveable uncarried item in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Anti-Anti "Nullifies any one spell that COUNTERACTS an attack spell directly. Does not work against escape, such as SHRINK, TELEPORT, or INVISIBLE. Will work against SHIELDSTONE. Will not work against REMOVE CURSE, as it does not counter the attack spell, but merely stops the ongoing effects of the spell." Counteraction Spell Opponent's COUNTERACTION spell 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Apply To Other "Turns the accompanying NEUTRAL card into an ATTACK, letting you apply its effect to an opponent in LOS. Only usable with NEUTRAL cards that normally affect yourself. Enemy may COUNTERACT, as usual." Attack Modifier Opponent in LOS (special) LOS 12/19/2003 Adam Rixey Apprentice "Creates an eager apprentice that you control. Movement: 3, Life: 4. Apprentice acts like a normal wizard, but is limited to 2 cards in hand, may never draw cards, and is too weak to lift a treasure. Also, the apprentice may not play a card on the same turn it is given to him. You must be in LOS with the apprentice to provide cards." Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Apprentice Lindsey Dubb Armor "Once worn, this heavy suit of armor cuts your base movement in half (round remaining movement up; no effect on NUMBER cards). Roll the die whenever you receive damage. If the result is a 3 you suffer only half normal damage (round damage up). If the result is a 4, then you take no damage at all. No effect on duration-based spells. NOT A COUNTERACTION; to be effective, armor must be worn ahead of time. Display when used." Neutral Item Self 12/21/2003 Smith Around the Corner Cast any LOS spell around one corner (up to 180 degrees). REFLECTIONS will still reach you. Neutral Modifier One of your spells 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Astral Projection Cast one of your LOS spells anywhere on the board. REFLECTIONS have no effect on you. Neutral Modifier One of your spells 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Attack Substitution "Replace attack spell just cast with one from the discard pile. Either choose one from three spells selected by attacking opponent, or approve the set of three spells from which opponent may choose one to cast instead. If less than three legal attack spells have been discarded, attack is fully negated." Counteraction Spell Opponent's ATTACK spell 12/19/2003 Klimek Bag of Holding "Any non-treasure items placed in the bag do not count as being in your hand (though the bag itself does). Display this card, and put the item cards face-down beneath it. You can only take those items out during your turn, and they may not be used while in the bag. If the bag is dropped, one only needs to pick up the bag to get everything inside." Neutral Item Your carried items 12/21/2003 ~Bag of Holding Avatar Ball And Chain "Curses opponent, attaching a magical ball and chain that reduces base movement by 1. Also subtracts 1 from each NUMBER card the victim uses for movement. Takes 5 damage to destroy." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Reed Banish Monsters "All monsters in the specified sector are banished to the discard pile. No other monsters may enter, nor may any be created within target sector for one turn." Neutral Spell All monsters in designated sector 12/19/2003 Klimek Basement "Creates a random, new sector directly below this one, connected by a PIT with a ladder (allowing movement between top & bottom sectors) When the basement disappears a turn after its creation, anything in it appears on the floor above." Neutral Spell Same sector 12/19/2003 Klimek Betrayal "Instead of attacking you, an opponent's monster in your space whispers something in your ear, then points at your opponent and laughs. You now control that monster." Counteraction Spell Monster in same square Touch 12/19/2003 Klimek Big Bell "Curses opponent, placing a mystical bell around his neck. His approach is now announced in advance. When victim enters the LOM of another wizard (but not a creature), that wizard has the option of casting an attack spell at him out of turn. Bell is destroyed by 5 damage." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in same square Touch 12/21/2003 Reed Big Black Bat "Creates a large bat that you control. Movement: 10, Life: 2. Bat bites for 1 damage. Bat can pick up and carry any one NON-TREASURE item. Cannot use items (not even passive ones). Can fly over obstacles that don?t reach the ceiling." Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Bat Tom Jolly Big Club "This huge mace causes 3 damage to an adjacent wall, door, or target in an adjacent square, but NOT in the same square (it's that big). Costs 1 movement point to use." Attack Item Any in adjacent (not same) square Touch 12/21/2003 ~Big Club Reed Big Man "Makes recipient so large that he fills up the corridor. No one can pass him, cast spells past him, or enter his square. Can reach and be reached from an adjacent square. Can push others (but not items) down the corridor ahead of him as he moves. (At intersections, opponent gets to decide which branch to enter.) Can also step over short obstacles like a PIT, TACKS, SPEED BUMP or KILLER OOZE. BIG MAN and SHRINK cancel each other. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Blaster Stick Each charge inflicts 3 magical damage. Charges = NUMBER card. Usable once per turn; discard when used. Attack Item Any in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stick Tom Jolly Blind "Blinds opponent. Victim must roll D4 for direction when attempting to move, throw items, engage in combat, or cast LOS spells on anyone but self. Bumping into a wall counts as one space of movement; re-roll for each movement point. Picking up items is difficult (1-2 on D4); each attempt costs 1 movement. (Misdirected spells go intended distance, or dissipate if they cannot. Cannot hit unintended opponents.) Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Blink "For the next NUMBER turns, opponent TELEPORTS 1-4 spaces in a random direction, (roll the die twice). This occurs during your turn. If opponent appears in a space that permits no occupant (e.g., SOLID STONE), reroll distance, otherwise opponent is affected by contents of the destination square. Can also be cast on self as a COUNTERACTION to an LOS spell (the spell misses), but you BLINK just once." Attack / Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Anyone in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Bloodstone "POWER: While you have this stone, any damage you sustain is reduced by 1 point. (Prevents damage from SLOW DEATH.) Display when used." Magic Stone Item Self 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Blunt "Reduces any damage done to you by 1/2. Round fractional damage up. Works on point or duration-based spells, or on physical damage. (If BLUNT is played twice in a row, the second acts after the first; they do not cancel the damage entirely.)" Counteraction Spell Self (vs. incoming damage) 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Bomb Trap "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. KABOOM! You just set off a bomb. Tough luck. You, everyone, and everything within 4 squares (around corners but not through walls) take 3 physical damage. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Action Immediate area 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Boobytrap "Take three blank tokens and the boobytrap token, placing each of them face down on empty squares. Whoever first walks over the one boobytrapped token takes 4 physical damage. You and your controlled creatures may move across the boobytrapped token without harm, unless BLIND. Permanent until triggered. Spells affecting CREATIONS target just one of the tokens." Neutral Created Object Empty squares (no LOS needed) 12/23/2003 "~4 blank-backed tokens, one of which is the boobytrap" Tom Jolly Boot To The Head Not a spell. Causes NUMBER points of physical damage to anything in an adjacent (not same) square. Attack Action Any in adjacent square Touch 12/19/2003 Cedrik Bouncy Ball "Cast a spell on this item, then throw it. It can richochet around up to four 90 degree corners before striking a target, which gets hit with the spell. (Throw can be countered as a PHYSICAL ATTACK, separately from countering the attached SPELL.) The ball ends up in the same space as the target, and it can be used again if picked up and recharged with a new spell. If ball misses (or the THROW is physically counteracted), it still has the spell given to it. If ball is TELEPORTED to someone's space, it falls on her and affects her as if it was thrown." Neutral Item One of your spells 12/21/2003 ~Bouncy Ball Avatar Brain Drain "Opponent loses a number of random cards out of his hand equal to the NUMBER card played. Any item lost is discarded, not dropped on the board. REFLECTION causes both players to lose 1/2 the NUMBER played (round up)." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Brainstone "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. POWER: When you first draw this card (not just pick it up), draw two more cards also. While you have this stone, your hand limit is 9 cards (including this one)." Magic Stone Item Self 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Brainstorm "Target wizard discards all cards from her hand (excluding displayed items), then draws an equal number of new ones. After that, you draw a card to replace this one." Neutral / Attack Spell Self (or wizard in LOS) LOS 12/23/2003 Lindsey Dubb Brambles "Creates a patch of thick branches filling the target square. There is no LOS through brambles, nor can they be flown over. Anyone exiting brambles must randomly drop one carried item within the brambles. Any fire damage will destroy brambles, filling the whole square with fire for 1-4 turns. (Fire causes 4 magical damage.)" Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Two tokens: Brambles and Square of Fire Klimek Buddy Opponent will not attack you unless you attack first. This is permanent until you attack. (Neither opponent's monsters nor yours are bound by this pact.) Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Burden "For each creature controlled and item carried by an opponent, she takes 1 damage due to the excessive burden she has taken upon herself. If REFLECTED, you take damage based on what you control." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Burst of Gravity "Creates a sudden burst of gravity, causing everyone (including you) to drop all carried items. Doesn't affect someone who has been enchanted with STRENGTH or an IRON GRIP." Neutral Spell Everyone 12/23/2003 Avatar Card Erasure "Name a card, then remove and discard it from opponent's hand. If opponent doesn't have that card, this is still considered your attack for the turn." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Cease-Fire No one may attack anyone for one round of turns. ABSORB SPELL may be used by anyone to counteract Cease-Fire; FULL SHIELD will allow only the shielded player to attack. FULL REFLECTION by anyone means that only the caster of Cease-Fire cannot attack. Attack Enchantment/Curse Everyone 12/22/2003 Tom Jolly Chain Lightning "A small LIGHTNING BLAST strikes all opponents within LOM, causing each to take 1 damage and lose 1 turn. Each target may attempt to COUNTERACT separately." Attack Spell All opponents in LOM LOM 12/21/2003 Lindsey Dubb Chaos "Each player counts his or her cards, then everyone tosses them in a pile and they are redistributed randomly, each player receiving the same number that they started with. ABSORB SPELL will absorb CHAOS; FULL SHIELD removes a player from participation. REFLECTIONS have no effect." Attack Spell All players 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Charm Stick Each charge lets you control the actions of one creature in LOS during your current turn. The player that normally controls the creature does not get to control it during her next turn. Charges = NUMBER card. Usable once per turn; discard when used. Attack Item Any creature in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 ~Magic Stick Avatar Chores "While in effect, target wizard cannot exit any square without first picking up all items in that square. Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent wizard in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Klimek Circle of Protection Prevents you from being targeted or damaged by any spells or attacks. Lasts until you move or cast a spell. This is NOT a COUNTERACTION. Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self 12/21/2003 Brian Bankler Cloak of Shadows "Any attack made against recipient has only a 1 in 4 chance of taking effect. This protection is permanent, but it ends once recipient moves more than 1 square in a single turn." Neutral / Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS 12/19/2003 Smith Clone Self "If you die (from damage only, not from lost treasures), play this card. A new ""you"" appears on your HOME BASE, with 7 life points and no cards at all. All creatures you controlled disappear. All duration spells that were on you cease. In all other ways, ""death"" occurs normally, per the rules. If killed during your own turn, you may start moving and draw cards next turn." Counteraction Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Cloud of Stench "Creates a transparent cloud of gut-wrenching stench. Any wizard entering it has a 50% chance of vomiting and losing 2 random cards from her hand (if the cards are items, they get dropped). Except for UNDEAD, non-wizards will not enter the cloud willingly. Fills an entire square but does not block LOS." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Cloud of Stench Avatar Cone of Cold "Bone-chilling frost inflicts magical damage equal to NUMBER card played, minus 1 point per square of distance between you and the target, to every LIVING thing along one straight line within your LOM. Even friendly targets are affected. No effect on non-living objects or UNDEAD." Attack Spell All life in straight line in LOM LOM 12/22/2003 Cain Contingency "Place any combination of spells from your hand face down beneath this card. On top of them, place a face-down number counter. The instant you take damage in one turn equal to or greater than the chosen amount, all of the face-down spells are instantly cast, in sequence from top to bottom. There is no limit to the number of attacks-in-a-single-turn which may result." Attack Modifier Self 12/19/2003 Klimek Control Creation Allows you to permanently take over control of any one creature which is presently under someone else's exclusive control (an ANIMATED OBJECT is not a creature). Cannot be COUNTERACTED (unless the creature can carry a spell). Neutral Spell Opponent's controlled creature in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 Tom Jolly Control Spell "Take over as the controller of ANY SPELL (excluding a COUNTERACTION) as it is being cast. You make all decisions, control any creature created, target from your LOS, etc. If you control an ATTACK, opponent is not considered to have spent his attack for the turn." Counteraction Spell Opponent's spell (no LOS needed) 12/19/2003 Klimek Cornerstone "POWER: While you have this item, you may use a NUMBER card to cast an accompanying LOS spell around that same number of 90 degree corners. Display when used." Magic Stone Item One of your spells 12/21/2003 ~Magic stone Avatar Corrosion "Not a spell. You spread a corroding substance on some inanimate object. Object takes 7 points of damage per turn, until destroyed. If you collapse a wall in this manner, it does not do any damage to adjacent characters." Neutral Action Adjacent inanimate object Touch 12/22/2003 Avatar Counterstrike "Does not block an attack, but allows you to perform one ATTACK at the same time you are attacked." Counteraction Spell Self (vs. incoming attack) 12/19/2003 Smith Cream Pie "Spell which targets you transforms into a otherwise harmless cream pie, blinding you until the end of THIS turn. All other characters having LOS to you may take no further actions this turn, as they are paralyzed with laughter." Counteraction Spell Incoming spell 12/22/2003 Klimek Create Clone "Duplicates an existing creature in LOS. You control the new clone. (When creating the clone, ignore any spells or damage effecting the original creature.)" Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Cedrik Create Door "Creates a locked door in a solid wall or across a corridor. If created adjacent to you, you may hold it open as it appears. If cast on an ILLUSION WALL, it modifies the existing illusion to be that of a wall with a door in it (still real to believers, but not there for non-believers)." Neutral Created Object Any wall or corridor in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Door Tom Jolly Create Wall "Creates a section of permanent wall, one square long." Neutral Created Object Between any two squares (in LOS) LOS 12/21/2003 ~Wall Tom Jolly Crevice "Creates a very narrow opening in a wall or corridor, requiring an extra movement point for anyone to squeeze through. It is too narrow for a TREASURE (or BIG MAN, BUCK, etc.) to pass through at all. LOS through a crevice exists only to or from the spaces immediately adjacent to it." Neutral Created Object Any wall or corridor in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Crevice Klimek Crossbow "When fired, each crossbow bolt causes 3 damage. Before taking the first shot, play a NUMBER card to determine the total number of bolts available. You may fire only one bolt per turn, and they are not retrievable." Attack Item Any in LOM LOM 12/21/2003 ~Crossbow Tom Jolly Crystal Ball "A matched set of TWO crystal balls. Either (or both) may be dropped. Anyone holding one has LOS from the center of the other crystal ball's space, even if the other one is being carried. Like all carried items, counts as a card in your hand (but just one, even if you carry both)." Neutral Item Special 12/21/2003 ~Two Crystal Balls Kerim Aydin Curse of Midas "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. Drop all items you are now carrying and randomly choose one of your own TREASURES to be teleported instantly to your hands. You may not carry other items, nor drop this treasure until it is deposited in a treasure-starting space of your home sector. Spells or effects which cause you to drop treasure will also end the curse. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Enchantment/Curse Self 12/21/2003 Klimek Curse Of The Litter Bug "Causes opponent to take 2 magical damage each time he drops or throws any item. No effect for items discarded to discard pile. If REFLECTED, both players lose 1 point for each item dropped. This effect is permanent." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Curse Of The Monster Musk "Curses opponent, causing all monsters to move toward and attack him (and no one else), regardless of others' demands. You move them during your turn. Victim can transfer this curse to anyone in LOS during his turn (an ATTACK), thereby becoming controller as they attack the newly cursed target instead. This effect is permanent." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 Tom Jolly Cyclone "Creates a temporary cyclone in an empty square, which immediately moves a sequence of 10 random directions, picking up all moveable items or characters in its path, and depositing them where it dissipates. Moving into a wall reduces cyclone's movement by one, but has no other effect. Cyclone dispels FOG, FIRE, STENCH and DUST. Windblown targets take 1 damage for each square they are actually moved." Neutral Spell Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Cyclone Klimek Dagger "This well-balanced knife causes 3 damage when thrown, or you can stab with it for just 1 damage. Retrievable by anyone after it is thrown." Attack Item Any in LOM LOM 12/21/2003 ~Dagger Tom Jolly Daylight Savings Time "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. Lose your next turn, but keep this card and redeem it for an extra turn later in the game. Set this card aside (does not count as being in your hand) and redraw." Trap Spell Self 12/22/2003 Avatar Deadline Extension "For the next NUMBER turns you cannot be killed, nor can you be eliminated from the game by the loss of both treasures to opponents' HOME BASES. For this duration, you can exist even with zero life points." Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Self NUMBER 12/19/2003 Klimek Death Grip "Allows you to attack and cause 3 physical damage to opponents by touch. You may attack in this manner once per turn, including the turn you cast this spell. Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Self Touch NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Decoy "Produces a permanent double of recipient, occupying the same square and moving with her (there is no playing piece for DECOY). Any attack against her has a 50% chance of striking the double (a roll of 1 or 2 on the D4). If the double is hit, it disappears, or she can expend 2 life points to retain it." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Defend Minion Acts as a FULL REFLECTION against any SPELL attack targeting a creature that you directly control. The attack is reflected back upon the attacker. The creature does not have to be within your LOS. Counteraction Spell Spell that targets your creature 12/19/2003 Brainiac Deja-Vu Allows you to go through the discard pile and retrieve any one card. Neutral Spell Discard pile 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Delay Effect "Incoming SPELL is not escaped, shielded or cancelled, but effects are postponed for a duration equal to NUMBER card played. Further COUNTERACTIONS may be played when delay expires--but only to offset effects (e.g., damage prevention, reflection, etc.)." Counteraction Spell Incoming spell NUMBER 12/19/2003 Klimek Democratic Monster Creates a horribly ugly monster that all players get to move (3 spaces per each player's turn). It has 5 life points and does 2 damage with its claws. It may attack only one player per round of turns. Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 ~Democratic Monster Tom Jolly Destroy Wall Completely crumbles one section of wall. Anyone in either square next to the wall takes 4 physical damage (not considered an attack). Will also destroy wall sections with doors. Neutral Spell One section of wall in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Destroyed Wall Tom Jolly Disarmament "You are temporarily granted the strength to rip off an opponent's arm, causing 3 damage. The victim may now only carry one item at a time. You may use the arm as a club which causes 2 damage and counts as a card in your hand. The arm cannot be discarded but can be dropped. If victim regains his arm, he can reattach it. REMOVE CURSE or any healing spell will cause a replacement arm to grow." Attack Spell Opponent in same square Touch 12/21/2003 ~arm Reed Disease "You're the carrier! The disease caused by this spell does not affect you, only others. If you enter an occupied square, each opponent present takes 3 physical damage from the disease. You can infect multiple opponents, but each of them just once per turn, and you must re-infect them each time you want to do damage. REFLECTIONS have no effect. AMPLIFY only doubles duration, not the strength of the spell. Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Self (vs. opponents in same square) NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Disguise Magic "Disguises the accompanying ATTACK spell, which is then played face-down, along with any necessary modifier cards (NUMBER, AMPLIFY, etc.) Your target must play any COUNTERACTION(s) before finding out what your attack spell is. Inappropriate counterspells have no effect, and are discarded. No other counteractions may be taken against this spell." Neutral Modifier One of your ATTACK spells 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Dispel Creation "This spell un-creates any created object or character. (A destroyed wall is not considered a creation.) Spells that are inside or on dispelled creations dissipate harmlessly. If a PIT is dispelled, anything that was in it appears at floor level." Neutral Spell Any creation LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Dodge Not a spell. Blocks any amount of physical damage from one attack (or other source). Counteraction Action Self (vs. physical damage) 12/22/2003 Robj Door Stop "This item, if placed (dropped) on an open door, keeps the door open (but blocking LOS). The door stop is dropped in the doorway itself, and thus can be picked up from either adjacent square." Neutral Item Adjacent open door Touch 12/21/2003 ~door stop Cedrik Door-To-Door "Creates a warp connecting two doorways. Take the 2 door-to-door tokens and place them on existing doors. The ""A"" side of one door now connects to the ""A"" side of the other, and the ""B"" connects to ""B"". You may open the doors once as you cast this spell. Destroying or permanently unlocking a door ends this spell, which is otherwise permanent." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Any two doors 12/19/2003 ~Two A/B doors Tom Jolly Double Back FULLY REFLECTS and doubles the power of any SPELL cast against you. Has no effect on spells which are not point or duration spells. Counteraction Spell Incoming spell 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Double Barrel "When played with any point or duration-based ATTACK SPELL, opponent takes damage as if hit by two separate half-strength spells (round odd numbers up). The two attacks must be COUNTERACTED separately, if at all." Neutral Modifier One of your ATTACK spells 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Drag "Drags any character or uncarried, moveable object towards you until it runs into a solid obstacle (such as a wall) or arrives in your square. Anyone dragged into/through an obstacle suffers normal effects. No effect on anything GLUED down or LOCKED IN PLACE. Will with modifiers such as AROUND THE CORNER. Considered an ATTACK if cast on opponent." Neutral / Attack Spell Any character or uncarried object in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Drop Object Opponent drops any one item you specify. Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Dungeon Steed "Creates a ride-able beast. Movement: 5, Life: 2. Mounting steed ends wizard's turn. It is possible to ride 5 spaces, then dismount and take one's normal movement. A wizard may not pick up anything from the floor while mounted. Steed does not move unless ridden." Neutral Created Creature Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Dungeon Steed Klimek Dust Cloud "Creates a permanent magical cloud of dust that obscures one square. Anyone passing through it must roll a D4 (each number signifying a direction) to see where he goes (or if a spell is cast, where the spell goes). Bumping into a wall counts as one space of movement; re-roll for each movement point. Blocks LOS, even if you have VISIONSTONE. Reaches ceiling." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Dust Cloud Tom Jolly Elfin Handyman "Creates a clever elf that you control. Movement: 3, Life: 4. Elf can move through locked doors freely (but will not hold them open). At a cost of 1 life point per target, Elf can (by touch): dispel a dropped or created object, remove an enchantment/curse, fully restore a damaged/destroyed/jammed wall/door, or repair a damaged object. Cannot target characters or carried objects." Neutral Created Creature Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 ~Elfin Handyman Klimek Empathy "Any ATTACK done in any form against you acts against both you and the attacker. Duration = NUMBER card played, starting in player's turn in which it is cast. Will not work against an already-active spell, just new ones." Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Self (vs. attacking opponent) NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Exploding Creature "Target creature explodes, causing damage to all characters within LOM (including you, if applicable). Damage equals the amount of life points the creature had." Attack Spell Any creature in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 Avatar Exploding Door "Target door explodes into a million splinters away from the side on which you stand, doing 3 physical damage to anything (excluding walls) within LOS of the door on the other side. An open passage is left where the door used to be. If cast on a SAFE, only the SAFE gets destroyed and its contents do not. If cast on DOOR-TO-DOOR, remote door is the one destroyed." Neutral Spell Any door in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Exploding Energy "Causes any magical energy retained by your opponent (that is, any NUMBER cards in his hand) to suddenly explode in a burst of light. Add up his NUMBER cards and discard them; he takes 1/2 the total value in magical sunburn damage (round up). Ignore POWERSTONE and other NUMBER-related items. If REFLECTED, both players lose NUMBER cards and take 1/4 damage." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Extend Doubles the length of the accompanying duration-based spell. Will also work with AMPLIFY. Must be used when spell is first cast. Neutral Modifier One of your duration-based spells 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Extortion "All opponent wizards must give you a card or suffer 1 magical damage, their choice. (Includes APPRENTICE, if present.)" Attack Spell All wizards 12/19/2003 Smith Familiar "Creates a loyal black cat that you control. Movement: 4, Life: NUMBER card played. Familiar does 2 damage with its claws. Can carry one spell (face down), which you must choose upon its creation, plus a NUMBER card if required for the spell. Cannot carry items. Familiar cannot cast its spell on turn created. When the spell is used up, it may not get another." Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Familiar Tom Jolly Fast Cast Lets you use a NEUTRAL card as a COUNTERACTION against LOS attacks if it either takes you out of LOS or creates something that blocks LOS. No effect without an accompanying NEUTRAL card. Counteraction Modifier Self (vs. incoming LOS attack) 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Fear "For NUMBER turns, no one (not even allies) will move to within 3 spaces of recipient, even if walls separate them. All must move away from him on their turn if within range, if they can (unless immobile or at a dead end), even if the only option is to use a card or run into a dangerous obstacle to escape. Those in fear choose which direction to run when options exist, as long as it isn't toward the source of fear! (As a LAST RESORT only, one can move farther away ""as a wizard walks"" even if momentarily closer in absolute distance.)" Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Featherweight "All damage done to you moves you back 1 space per point instead of doing damage. In case of multiple directions possible for movement, you choose which way you will go. You can also go around corners. In the case of being stuck in a dead end, you take damage. Duration = NUMBER card." Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Self (vs. incoming damage) NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Festering Wound "Combine with any physical attack against a living opponent. Wound taken refuses to heal, causing 1 additional physical damage each turn until a 1 is rolled on the D4. No effect if original damage is countered. No effect on UNDEAD." Neutral Enchantment/Curse (Modifier) One physical attack 12/19/2003 Klimek Fighterstone "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. POWER: While you have this stone, you do 1-4 damage with a punch." Magic Stone Item Self (vs. any in same square) 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Fill `Er Up You may draw enough new cards to fill your hand. This does not end your turn. Neutral Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Fill Square With Slime "Creates a cube of lime-flavored gel filling an entire square. There is no LOS through it, nor can it be flown over. Anyone entering the slime ends their movement for the turn. Spells cast at the slime get stuck there, affecting anyone in the slime or entering it later on (spells ""go off"" only once). Counteractions against ""trapped"" attacks do not affect the caster of the attack. Destoyed by any WATERWALL or a 5-point WATERBOLT." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Slime Tom Jolly Fill Square With Stone "Creates an impenetrable block of stone completely filling an empty square. This not a wall, so no ""wall"" associated spells will affect it." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Block of Stone Tom Jolly Fire Imp "Creates a floating, stationary Fire Imp that shoots anyone coming within LOM, doing 2 magical fire damage (once per turn per target in LOM). This happens the moment anyone enters LOM with the imp, or is in LOM at the start of that target's turn. Imp will attack his creator if he can (but not on the turn created). Imp is permanent, but any water (including WATERWALL) will destroy it." Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Fire Imp Tom Jolly Fireball "Searing flames inflict 5 magical damage. If any of the damage gets through, Fireball also destroys all MAGIC STONES opponent is carrying." Attack Spell Any in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Firefly Stick "This Magic Stick has charges equal to the NUMBER card played when first used. Each charge creates a flying firefly within LOS. (Movement: 5, Life: 1.) Each firefly can attack someone in its square for 1 magical fire damage. If an opponent takes possession of the stick, you still control the fireflies you created. WATERBOLT will destroy all fireflies in its path; WATERWALL has no effect. Usable once per turn; discard after all charges have been used." Attack Item Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 ~fireflies x6 Tom Jolly Fit Of Frenzy "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. Lose your temper. Immediately drop any TREASURE you may be carrying, and on your next turn, go attack someone. You may not pick anything up during this period. After attacking someone (even if unsuccessful), you may return to normal and do as you wish. This also cancels BUDDY, if you are under its effect. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Enchantment/Curse Self 12/22/2003 Tom Jolly Flame On "Allows recipient to burst into flame. Each turn, starting the turn cast, she takes 2 magical damage (not counteractable), but can cast a small FIREBALL (4 damage) every turn and is immune to any Fire damage. Recipient may ""flame-off"" whenever desired, thereby ending the spell. WATERBOLT or WATERWALL will extinguish flames. Any FIREBALL damage that gets through destroys all MAGIC STONES carried by opponent." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Flight "Allows recipient to fly over any obstacle that doesn't reach the ceiling, as well as anyone on the ground, keeping out of others' reach (unless they can fly or reach adjacent squares, like BIG MAN). REMOVE CURSE, if cast on recipient, will make her fall for 1-4 damage. WATERWALL has no effect on her. At turn end she is assumed to be flying unless stated otherwise, even if she has just picked up an item. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Focus "Discard up to three cards. For each card discarded, increase the damage or duration of a SPELL you cast this turn by 1." Neutral Modifier Self 12/19/2003 Smith Full Reflection "Opponent's SPELL, if cast upon you, is reflected back on him." Counteraction Spell Incoming spell 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Full Shield Stops any SPELL attack. Does not stop any physical attack. Will stop WIZARDBLADE for only one attack. Counteraction Spell Incoming spell 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Geas "Causes target monster to rebel, pursuing and attacking its creator until dead. (Move the monster during your turn.) For GEAS and CONTROL CREATION, whichever is cast last takes precedence." Attack Spell Any monster in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Ghost Form "Transforms target into a ghost. Ghost can walk through anything without damage, but cannot punch others or be affected by physical damage. Ghost drops all carried items and cannot pick anything up; items drawn while a ghost get discarded or dropped (player's choice). Can still cast spells, attack and be attacked. Neutral if cast on self, ATTACK if cast on others. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral / Attack Enchantment/Curse Self (or anyone in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 ~Ghost (wizard) Tom Jolly Ghost World "All doors, walls, and created objects in ALL SECTORS become ""ghosted"" permitting LOS and passage (by normal movement) to every square. Characters and ordinary items are unaffected. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral Spell All sectors NUMBER 12/21/2003 Klimek Ghoul "Creates a hideous, undead ghoul that you control. Movement: 3, Life: 5. Ghoul does 2 damage with its claws. Each time it successfully damages a living opponent, the ghoul's life points OR speed increases by 1. There is no limit to the amount of life points or movement it can have." Attack Created Monster (Undead) Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Ghoul Tom Jolly Giant Stone Sphere "Creates a giant stone sphere completely filling one square, blocking passage and LOS. It rolls easily if pushed, either sideways or directly away from any adjacent square. It cannot roll over a treasure, character, or anything with hit points, but it will do 1 plus 1 point of damage per space rolled to any into which it is pushed. (This counts as an ATTACK.)" Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Giant Stone Sphere Klimek Gift From Above "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. Add 3 life points to your total, now. You may go higher than 15 points. Discard after use." Trap Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Gift From Below "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. Sorry, bud. You lose 3 points to magical damage, now. (You may use COUNTERACTIONS if you wish.) Discard after use and redraw." Trap Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Glacier "Creates a solid block of ice which fills an empty square. Beginning the turn after creation, glacier moves one space every other turn towards the nearest HOME BASE (as a wizard walks), pushing any objects or characters ahead of it. LOS through glacier is bent 90 degrees. The turn it rests on a home base, glacier melts into a 4-point WATERWALL. Any fire damage will melt glacier." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 ~Block of Ice Klimek Glue "Keeps an object in place for a duration equal to TWICE the NUMBER card played, making it impossible to pick up, move or drop (if carried). Considered an ATTACK if cast on an opponent's carried item. Does not work on characters." Neutral / Attack Enchantment/Curse Any object in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Go Away "Opponent must move away a number of spaces equal to the NUMBER card played, in a line as straight as possible. Roll D4 for random direction, if necessary. Opponent also loses 1 turn." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Graffiti "Write something insulting about target wizard on an adjacent wall. Until it is wiped off (by touch), or curse is removed, or wall is destroyed, target suffers from distraction of knowing it's there: On a roll of 1 or 2 (D4) at the end of each affected turn (just before discarding/drawing cards), victim loses a random card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Adjacent wall Touch 12/19/2003 ~Graffiti Klimek Gravity Vortex "Creates an intense gravity vortex lasting one turn. Anyone within the affected sector is instantly pulled towards the vortex, moving 1 space per item carried (by the shortest path as a wizard walks). Anyone entering the same space as the vortex drops all items, which become immovable (as GLUED) until the vortex expires." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Gravity Vortex Klimek Half Life "Cuts opponent's life points in half (round remaining points up). No effect upon objects. If AMPLIFIED, apply the effect twice in succession. If REFLECTED, each loses 1/4 life points." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Reed Handful Of Tacks "Not a spell. Fills one square with tacks. Anyone walking into them takes 3 damage, or must spend an entire turn adjacent to them (doing nothing else) to sweep them up and reuse them later (or discard them). WATERWALL washes them away." Neutral Item Adjacent empty square Touch 12/21/2003 ~Tacks Tom Jolly Hard Cell "Allows you to add 3 charges to any one magic item having at least 1 charge left, or extend any active duration spell 2 turns." Neutral Spell Magic stick or duration spell in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Healing Fountain "Creates a large fountain full of healing water. Any character ending its turn at the fountain gains 1 life point, up to its starting level. Fountain can be destroyed by 10 points of damage. Cancels any fire damage inflicted in its space (and extinguishes fires)." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Healing Fountain Avatar Healing Trance "Recipient loses a turn to gain life points equal to NUMBER card played. May go higher than starting life points. (AMPLIFY, if used, affects both points gained and number of lost turns.)" Neutral Spell Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS 12/21/2003 Jeff Barrett Health Stone "POWER: While you have this stone, any turn in which you do not move or pick up anything, you can recover 2 life points, up to a maximum of your starting amount (15). Display when used." Magic Stone Item Self 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Heave-Ho "Not a spell. Throw the TREASURE you are carrying at someone or something (including an empty square). Physical damage equals the number of spaces thrown. If thrown diagonally, measure the distance as the number of spaces a wizard would move." Attack Action Any in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Here Boy! You may move one of your uncarried treasures 2 spaces. Neutral Spell One of your uncarried treasures 12/22/2003 Kerim Aydin Hex "Opponent anywhere on the board becomes cursed, allowing you to determine the outcome of the next NUMBER die rolls affecting that opponent. Cannot be used to harm anyone other than the target (e.g., you could not make the target succeed in hitting someone.)" Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent (no LOS needed) 12/22/2003 Jeff Barrett Hit and Run "Causes magical damage equal to the NUMBER card played, and also knocks the CASTER back one square for every point of damage delivered. You can go in any direction, around corners, etc., as long as you travel away from the target of the spell. REFLECTION causes both to take damage, but only the caster will be knocked back." Attack Spell Any in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Brainiac Hotfoot "Opponent's feet become magically hot, causing her 1 damage for every square less than 4 she moves during her turns (that is, if she moves 3 spaces in a turn, she takes 1 damage). Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Howling Vacuum "Anything moveable in the sector you are in moves one space closer to you. ""Closer"" means toward you as a wizard would walk along the shortest path possible (even through a WALL OF FIRE, DUST CLOUD, etc.) If there are 2 paths of equal distance, then the object or character does not move. BUSHES, SLIME and similar creations block the air flow." Neutral Spell Same sector 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Hypnosis "Allows you to completely control all the actions of any one opponent for her entire turn (when it starts). However, you may use (or discard) no more than 3 of her cards and may not make her attack herself or damage herself (like walking through a FIREWALL). Yes, this means you don't have to draw cards for her at the end of her turn. If REFLECTED, both players can control each other for their next turns. Considered a duration spell." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Idiot "Opponent heads straight for the nearest of his OWN TREASURES (he may choose to avoid obstacles), during his own turns. He can do nothing else but cast COUNTERACTIONS, or use other spells that help him get to the treasure. Curse ends once victim reaches his own treasure, or if both of his treasures are being carried. If REFLECTED, both players are affected." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Illusion Wall "Creates a fake wall, one square long. Each character has one 50% chance to see that it is fake, when they gain LOS to it. It is real for the rest of the game for those who fail this chance. For those who believe it is real, it will stop spells and thrown items, and can take damage. If a believer destroys an Illusion Wall, it is only destroyed with respect to that character, not everyone else. Caster may move through it freely. Blocks LOS even if you know it is fake." Neutral Created Object Between any two squares (in LOS) LOS 12/21/2003 ~Illusion Wall Tom Jolly Illusionary Attack "Cast an illusionary attack spell of your choice. Opponent has a 50% chance (1 or 2 on the D4) of believing the spell is real. If so, the full effect of the attack is felt. (In the case of multiple-target attacks, only the designated victim is affected.) If the attack spell requires a NUMBER card, then one must be provided. Non-LOS spells must still be cast within LOS of the victim." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Imp-Lament "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. Imp appears in your square and instantly gains possession of all your attack spells. Imp then attacks you (in random order) with every spell which can target you, discarding any others. Imp may be evaded like any monster--otherwise, attacks may be counteracted separately. After final attack, Imp disappears. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Spell Self 12/19/2003 Klimek Interrupt "STOP THE GAME and cast any one spell. For any spell in progress, the interrupting spell acts first. This has priority over OPPORTUNITY FIRE." Neutral / Counteraction Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Invisible Recipient becomes invisible; any attack targeting her has only a 1 in 4 chance of hitting. Duration = NUMBER card. Neutral / Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Invisible Barrier "Creates an invisible, impenetrable, one-square-wide cube on any empty square. On each player's turn, this barrier widens by a radius of one square until it fills the whole sector (after which, it dissipates). Spells may pass through it, but characters and objects may not. If barrier meets a PORTABLE HOLE, both are dispelled." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 Klimek Iron Grip "For the next NUMBER turns, recipient may retain all carried items. This spell overrides all other effects or spells which might contradict it, such as: SWAP MEET, DROP OBJECT, THIEF, CHAOS, STRENGTH, KLUTZ, CURSE OF MIDAS, KILLER OOZE, BRAMBLES, etc. Iron Grip may be countered by REMOVE CURSE, NEGATE NEUTRAL, TIME DRAFT, etc." Neutral / Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Klimek It "Curses opponent, making him IT. Whoever is IT takes 1 magical damage at the end of his turn. Only one character can be IT at a time (unless the spell is cast twice). IT can be transferred to another in the same space by saying, ""You're IT"" (an ATTACK). REFLECTION makes both characters IT." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Jam Lock Not a spell. Lets you permanently jam a door lock so that nobody can use that door. You also may not pass through. Neutral Action Any door in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Jammed Lock Tom Jolly Janitor "Allows you to discard ALL board tokens within 2 spaces of you (even through walls), except TREASURES and player wizards." Neutral Spell Nearby tokens 12/23/2003 Tom Jolly Killer Ooze "Covers the surface of one square with acidic ooze. Anyone entering the ooze takes 1 damage, and on a roll of 1 or 2 on the D4, falls down, drops any TREASURE, takes 2 more damage, and is unable to move for the rest of the turn. Any following turns that he tries to stand and exit must be rolled again as stated. Only 5 points of FIRE damage will destroy the ooze." Neutral Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Killer Ooze Tom Jolly Kiss of Death "Curses opponent, causing magical damage equal to TWICE the NUMBER card played. Effect is delayed until after a number of turns equal to the same NUMBER card. Considered a CURSE; other COUNTERACTIONS can be used only when first cast." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in same square Touch 12/19/2003 Reed Klutz "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. Butter mysteriously appears all over your hands. You immediately drop all carried items, then the butter disappears. Discard after use and redraw. Note: you may only pick up 1 item per turn." Trap Spell Self 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Large Rock This hefty stone causes 2 damage when thrown. Retrievable by anyone after it is thrown. Attack Item Any in LOM LOM 12/21/2003 ~Large Rock Tom Jolly Lasso "Connect via an instant lasso to any moving target (including thrown item, opponent, etc.) in LOS. For 1 turn, the distance between you and target cannot increase. If target keeps moving, you are towed behind it. Space between you and target is considered occupied, and opened doors cannot close on Lasso. If cast on your own turn, Lasso is an ATTACK, with which you may drag another character or uncarried, moveable object. TELEPORTING dispels Lasso." Attack / Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Any moving target in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 Klimek Levitate "Target character or uncarried item floats to the ceiling, and cannot be grabbed or punched by anyone who is not flying (unless they can reach into adjacent squares). Levitated characters may not pick up items, nor move except by spells, FLIGHT, or in a straight line by throwing an item in the opposite direction. NEUTRAL when cast on items or self; ATTACK when cast on an opponent. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral / Attack Enchantment/Curse Any character or uncarried item in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/22/2003 Klimek Life Bolt "Spend up to 3 life points, causing twice that much magical damage to target opponent. If this spell is COUNTERACTED, you still lose the life points." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Lifesaver "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. You are now immune to the effects of losing both of your treasures to other players' HOME BASES. This effect is permanent. Discard after use. Not applicable in a 2-player game." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Lightning Blast "Inflicts magical damage equal to the accompanying NUMBER card. If any damage gets through, opponent also loses 1 turn while recovering from electrified senses." Attack Spell Any in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Load Stone "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. POWER: This card does nothing but take up space in your hand. You may not discard it (unless other cards require it). If you enter a space with another wizard you may give it to him (an ATTACK), and he must discard a card to take it if he already has a full hand. FULL REFLECTION and SHIELD will stop it, even if it's drawn. This is considered to be a MAGIC STONE." Trap Enchantment/Curse Self 12/22/2003 Tom Jolly Lock In Place "Stops movement of opponent. He may still cast spells, but cannot move or be moved in any way (including TELEPORTATION). Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Luck "Any one die roll which YOU make comes out to your desired result. Must use spell before rolling. You may play this card out of turn only if you are called upon to roll a die (e.g., to determine whether or not you believe an illusion)." Neutral / Counteraction Spell Self 12/19/2003 Reed Mad Dash "Doubles recipient's movement (including NUMBER cards and other add-ons) for one turn. One cannot carry TREASURES while exerting oneself under Mad Dash. If cast after some movement has been made, doubles remaining movement points." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Magic Meddling You may cast this spell against any other wizard using any ATTACK SPELL anywhere on the board to increase or decrease the damage or the duration by 1. You need not be the target of the attack. Counteraction Spell Any attack spell (no LOS needed) 12/19/2003 Smith Martial Arts "Not a spell. Fully reflects one PHYSICAL ATTACK, such as a punch or weapon, back upon the attacker. Has no effect on spells." Counteraction Action Incoming physical attack 12/21/2003 Brian Bankler Masochist Opponent hits self. He must play a NUMBER card if he has one. Damage to opponent equals NUMBER card he plays. Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Cedrik Master Key "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. While you have this item, you may unlock any door that you are adjacent to (but door locks again behind you). You may ""hold the door open"" for others, if you wish. Does not work on a JAMMED LOCK." Neutral Item Adjacent door Touch 12/21/2003 ~Master Key Tom Jolly Me Too! Me Too! "THIS SPELL IS ALWAYS USED OUT OF TURN, when some other player casts a spell of any type. You are then allowed to cast the same spell as the other player, using the same modifiers. DOES NOT WORK ON ANY SPELL THAT AFFECTS YOU DIRECTLY, nor on ABSORB SPELL or ANTI-ANTI." Special Spell Opponent's spell (no LOS needed) 12/23/2003 Brainiac Medusa "For the next NUMBER turns, opponent cannot move, act, or cast spells, including COUNTERACTIONS. However, opponent is also immune to any damage." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Mental Force Opponent anywhere on the board moves 3 spaces to wherever you say. REFLECTION allows both players to move one another 2 spaces. Attack Spell Opponent (no LOS needed) 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Mental Swap "View opponent's cards, then optionally trade hands with that player. FULL REFLECTION only nullifies this spell." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Mercurial Mood "For this turn, you may pick up items without ending your turn, but you cannot drop items." Neutral Spell Self 12/21/2003 Klimek Mimic Stone "This Magic Stone can only be used if at least one other Magic Stone is in play. It perfectly duplicates any one Magic Stone in play, but if that stone is destroyed (or discarded) then the Mimic Stone is destroyed as well. If multiple stones are in play, you may discard a NUMBER card to change which stone you wish to mimic." Magic Stone Item Special 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Smith Mindswap Counteract any attack by swapping locations and all carried items with attacker. The attack fails. Counteraction Spell Opponent 12/21/2003 Klimek Miniaturize "Target created object is reduced to a carry-able, toy-sized item, having none of its previous properties. If picked up and later dropped (or thrown), enchantment ends, and creation is restored to normal size and properties." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Any created object in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 "~Miniature Object (blocks, bushes)" Klimek Minor Curse "Opponent anywhere on the board cannot attack, move, or cast spells (your choice) during her next turn." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent (no LOS needed) 12/19/2003 Smith Mist Body "Recipient turns to mist, and can pass through doors and other obstacles that aren't air-tight (solid walls are). May not attack or be attacked physically, except by fire. Items become ""misted"" when touched, so recipient may pick up and carry items normally. Any dropped or thrown item becomes solid. Recipient can ignore SAFES. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Monster Bane "Sucks all remaining life points out of any one creature in LOS, adding the points to your own and utterly destroying the creature. A creature that can't normally be destroyed is considered to have 1 life point." Attack Spell Any creature in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Monster Rebellion "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. All monsters in play are now under GEAS to pursue and attack their own creators until dead, ignoring all other commands. At the start each player's turn, her monsters are moved by the opponent to her left. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Spell All monsters 12/19/2003 Klimek Monster Stone "POWER: While you have this stone, add 1 to the life points, movement and physical damage of all creatures you control. Spells and other magical attacks by creatures do not gain the one-point benefit. Display when used." Magic Stone Item Your controlled creatures 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Klimek Move! "Allows you to move the target (a moveable, uncarried object; yourself; or anyone else) a number of spaces equal to the NUMBER card played. The target must be in LOS at first, but may be moved out of LOS. Counts as an ATTACK if cast on an opponent." Neutral / Attack Spell Any moveable target in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 Avatar Mundane "Strips a wizard of all his magic (he immediately discards all his cards, except for NUMBERS and non-magical cards such as DAGGER or PICK LOCK). He may draw cards normally during his next turn. His controlled creatures and active duration spells are not affected." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Myopia "Opponent anywhere on the board becomes temporarily short-sighted, his LOS limited to adjacent spaces only (even with Crystal Ball, Visionstone, Astral Projection, X-ray Vision, etc.) Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent (no LOS needed) NUMBER 12/19/2003 Klimek Negate Neutral "Nullifies any NEUTRAL SPELL when first cast. This is cast on the spell, not the opponent, so FULL SHIELD and REFLECTIONS have no effect. Does not need LOS, and you need not be the intended target of the spell." Counteraction Spell Any NEUTRAL spell (no LOS needed) 12/22/2003 Tom Jolly New Deal All players must discard their hands and immediately draw 1 card for each card they were holding. Items already displayed are unaffected. Neutral Spell All players 12/23/2003 Smith No Spell "Opponent cannot use any spell, but may still use items (even magical ones) and NUMBER cards. Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Number Stick Each charge acts as a NUMBER card equal to the number of charges remaining on the stick. Charges = NUMBER card. Usable once per turn; discard when used. Neutral Item Self 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stick Cedrik Oil Slick "Creates a puddle of slippery oil covering one square. Anyone entering oil will slide past it in a straight line a number of spaces equal to the number already moved, or take damage for slamming into an obstruction for each space not moved. On a roll of 1 or 2 (D4) they also fall down, ending their move. Any fire damage will destroy the oil, filling the whole square with fire for 1-4 turns. (Fire causes 4 magical damage.)" Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 "~Oil Slick, Square of Fire" Klimek One-Way Door "Makes any door go in one direction only (you pick which way). The effects are permanent. You may open the door once as you cast the spell. Can also be used to cancel or reverse the direction of a door that has already had ONE-WAY DOOR cast upon it. Does not otherwise alter the status of the door (e.g., locked, damaged, etc.)" Neutral Enchantment/Curse Any door in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 ~One-way door (x2) Game Cabinet Open Door Policy "Unlocks every door in the game, except those with JAMMED LOCKS. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral Spell All un-jammed doors NUMBER 12/19/2003 Reed Open Grave "Creates a temporary PIT. Any character killed reappears in the pit at the start of their next turn, restored to 1/3rd (round up) of original life points. (In all other ways, ""death"" occurs normally.) Anything exiting the pit causes the Grave to disappear. Any UNDEAD (skeletons, wraiths, ghouls, etc.) must move directly into the pit using their normal movement. (To jump over a pit, roll a D4. On a roll of 1 you fall in, taking 2 damage. Roll a 1 or 2 on later turns to climb out. Takes a whole turn to climb in or out.)" Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Open Grave Klimek Opportunity Fire "You may perform an ATTACK out of turn, interrupting another player's turn. The other player must not be moving and must finish any spell started before you may perform your attack." Neutral / Counteraction Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Pack Rat "Curses opponent for a duration equal to the NUMBER card played. Opponent may not voluntarily drop items, discard cards, or give items or cards to another player. Victim can still be compelled to drop or discard something (e.g., due to DROP ITEM or THIEF), but he cannot do so on his own." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Jeff Barrett Pass The Buck "Creates a huge, mild-mannered buck with big antlers. He has 10 life points, and he is quite impossible to pass (unless you can FLY over him); even BIG MAN cannot push this beast. Any player may move the buck 1 space during his turn. Buck cannot enter spaces with characters, and it blocks LOS. Can be punched or attacked from an adjacent square." Neutral Created Creature Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Big Buck Tom Jolly Pass Through Wall "Allows passage through one wall or door. Works on ILLUSION WALL, normal walls, WALL OF FIRE, etc." Neutral Spell Any wall 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Pawn Ticket "Not a spell. Trade this item for any NON-TREASURE item carried by an opponent. (May not be COUNTERACTED.) Opponent must retain Ticket for turns equal to NUMBER card played, after which it may either be discarded or re-used by the Ticket-holder. Ticket counts as a card in player's hand." Attack Item Opponent in same square Touch NUMBER 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Peace Offering "Counteract any attack by giving attacking wizard two cards of your choice from your hand. If used versus a monster, cards go to the controlling wizard." Counteraction Spell Any attack 12/19/2003 Klimek Peephole "Creates a magical peephole in an existing wall or door. Anyone adjacent to the peephole can see through it, extending LOS straight ahead only on the other side. The peephole is too small to allow items or characters (even MISTED) to pass through." Neutral Created Object Any wall or door in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Peephole Reed Permawarp "Take two Permawarp tokens and place them anywhere on the board (except HOME BASES). This is now an (optional) open warp from one token to the other, and movement between them counts as one space. You can't create anything on a Permawarp, but you can put down an item there, or walk around it in the same space. There is no LOS through the warp, but it does not block local LOS." Neutral Created Object Any square except home bases 12/21/2003 ~2 Warp Tokens Tom Jolly Phase Paradox "Allows teleportation or creation spells to target an occupied space, even a HOME BASE. All objects, creations or characters on that space which cannot coexist (if any) are randomly displaced instantly to an adjacent space (ignoring walls) until no paradox remains. Repeat as needed, for new paradoxes resulting from displacement." Neutral Modifier One of your spells 12/22/2003 Klimek Pick Lock "Not a spell. Unlocks an adjacent door (but the door will re-lock behind you). You may ""hold the door open"" for others, if you wish. Discard after use." Neutral Action Adjacent door Touch 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Pie In The Face "When thrown at opponent, this delicious cream pie causes the target to lose 1 turn. Pie is destroyed after one use." Attack Item Opponent in LOM LOM 12/22/2003 ~Pie Cedrik Pit "Creates a pit. To jump over, roll a D4. On a roll of 1 you fall in, taking 2 damage. Roll a 1 or 2 on later turns to climb out. Takes a whole turn to climb into or out of a pit. WATERWALL reaching pit does 2 damage to anyone in it, but lifts him to top. Drains in 1 turn; can swim across using normal movement when filled. Doors adjacent to a pit cannot be opened from that side (unless flying). FILL SQUARE WITH STONE fills pit, lifting anything in it back up to the main floor. You CAN create things within an empty pit." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Pit Tom Jolly Poison Target character loses 2 life points at the end of each of his turns. Duration = NUMBER card. Attack Enchantment/Curse Anyone in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/22/2003 Avatar Polymorph Creature Exchange target creature for any other creature not already in play. Any duration spells or damage affecting creature before it was polymorphed are ignored. Controller does not change (except in cases where controller is variable in creature's new form). Attack Spell Any creature in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Klimek Polymorph Object "Transforms one CREATED object into any NON-TREASURE object, simply by replacing the token. Any duration spells or damage affecting creation before it was polymorphed are ignored. No object on a HOME BASE may be targeted." Neutral Spell Any created object in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Klimek Portable Hole "When placed against a door, wall, or solid stone, this item creates a large opening allowing LOS and movement. Once an opening is created, item may be picked up from either side, carried, and re-used. If you move through the hole, you leave it behind; it falls to the ground in a heap in the space you were in." Neutral Item "Adjacent wall, door or solid stone" Touch 12/23/2003 ~Portable Hole (solid stone and wall versions) Klimek Portable Telepad "When placed on the floor, this experimental device can act as a teleport launch pad. Anyone standing on the telepad may choose to TELEPORT up to 4 spaces away (even to a HOME BASE), leaving the telepad behind and ending his or her movement. On each use, telepad has a 1 in 4 chance of malfunction; if this happens, roll a D4 each for direction and distance. If you appear in a space that permits no occupant (e.g., SOLID STONE), reroll distance, otherwise you are affected by contents of the destination square." Neutral Item Anyone standing on it 12/23/2003 ~Telepad Klimek Portcullis "Creates a closed portcullis in any stone wall or corridor and a pressure-activated floor plate in any empty space--both within LOS. Anything solid resting on the plate will cause the gate to open. Gate is closed when plate is vacant. Portcullis does not block LOS, thrown items, nor anyone affected by SHRINK. Has 20 hit points, just like a wall." Neutral Spell Any wall or corridor in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 "~Floor Plate, Portcullis Open, Portcullis Closed" Klimek Power Attack "Allows you to use up your life points, adding the amount sacrificed to one of your own point-based ATTACK SPELLS, including Magic Stick spells." Neutral Modifier One of your damaging spells 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Power Drain "Drains NUMBER life points from an opponent, adding them to your own total." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Power Run "Lets you trade your life points for extra movement, at the rate of one point per one space. This is in addition to any NUMBER card played." Neutral Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Powerstone "POWER: While you have this stone, add 1 to any NUMBER card played. Display when used." Magic Stone Item Any number card you play 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Powerthrust This telekinetic strike causes magical damage equal to 2 points plus an (optional) accompanying NUMBER card. Attack Spell Any in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Psychic Storm "Does NUMBER magical damage to everyone in the target square and all squares adjacent to it (even through walls). COUNTERACTIONS only protect those casting them (except ABSORB SPELL). Only the target square needs to be in LOS. (Will also affect you and your controlled creatures, if within range.)" Attack Spell Any square in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 Tom Jolly Public Funds "YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY SHOW THIS CARD TO ALL PLAYERS WHEN YOU GET IT, but it need not be permanently displayed, and it need not be played right away. This spell permanently causes all treasures to be neutral, that is, not owned by anyone. Any treasure on the board is available as part of the 2 treasures you need to win. No player may lose due to placement of his 2 treasures on HOME BASES." Neutral Spell All treasures 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Push Object "Causes a moveable, uncarried object to move away from you until it runs into a character or fixed obstacle (such as a solid wall or SLIME). If it strikes anything damageable, it does 2 physical damage. If it strikes a BUSH, BRAMBLES or SLIME, the object ends up inside (unless impossible). If the object starts in your space, you decide initial direction." Neutral Spell Any moveable uncarried object in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Quick Death "Opponent takes 1 magical damage for each cards she plays or discards. Can be COUNTERACTED initially, but later counteractions (e.g., ABSORB DAMAGE) work only momentarily. Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Cedrik Radioactive Crater "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. A crashing meteorite causes 4 points of blast damage to everyone in your square as it forms a radioactive crater. (Trap is countered if on a HOME BASE). Anyone entering crater for the first time takes 1 point of radiation damage and draws 1 card. Mutations permanently increase hand size by 1. Note that a mutated monster could cast any spell drawn. Crater is like a PIT in all other respects. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Created Object Same square 12/21/2003 Radioactive Crater Klimek Rats "Creates a group of rats that you control. Movement: 3, Life: 5. Rats move as a group. Group attacks once per round for each life point the rats have, each bite doing 1 damage. (Aside from having multiple attacks, treat rats as a single creature.)" Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 ~Rats Kerim Aydin Reflection "A spell cast against you works 50% on both parties. Only works on point-based or duration-based spells. Round fractions up (e.g., a single lost turn, when divided and rounded up, is a lost turn for both players)." Counteraction Spell Incoming spell 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Rejuvenation "Target living character or plant gains life points equal to the NUMBER card played, up to its starting maximum (15 for a wizard). No effect on UNDEAD." Neutral Spell Self (or any living thing in LOS) LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Relocate Sector "Allows you to relocate (but not rotate) any one sector to any other area, so long as all sectors are still connected together (directly or indirectly). Any affected AUTOWARP and REWARP tokens disappear, replaced by straight-across warps." Neutral Spell Any sector 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Remove Curse "Removes effects of one or more duration-based spells or enchantments affecting the target. You can even cast this on yourself to cancel a spell which won't let you cast other spells while in effect, or one that makes you lose turns. Can also be cast on an opponent in LOS to remove any ?good? enchantments affecting him (considered an ATTACK). As a COUNTERACTION, prevents an enchantment from taking effect. Will work on permanent spells, such as LIFESAVER." Attack / Counteraction Spell Self (or any in LOS) LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Remove Lock Not a spell. Permanently removes lock from any one adjacent door. Door is still considered to block LOS. Neutral Action Adjacent door Touch 12/19/2003 ~Lock Removed Tom Jolly Repossession "Target item (not in discard pile) which you have previously carried this game TELEPORTS back into your hands. This spell may not target another's TREASURE, but it may target your own, it you have previously carried it. If target item is currently carried by someone else, Repossession is an ATTACK." Neutral / Attack Spell Previously carried item 12/23/2003 Klimek Repulsion "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. All items you are carrying, as well as any characters or items within 3 spaces (ignoring walls) immediately teleport 3 spaces away from you in random directions. If targets which cannot coexist end up in same square, randomly displace as many as necessary, into an adjacent space (ignoring walls). Discard after use and redraw." Trap Spell Self and anything nearby 12/22/2003 Klimek Reuse Spell "You may retrieve any spell you use immediately after you use it (but not the NUMBER card, if used). You may reuse your retrieved spell immediately if you wish (except when it is an ATTACK)." Neutral / Counteraction Spell One of your spells 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Reverse Damage "Instead of losing points in a SPELL attack, you gain them. Only works on point-based spells (including SLOW DEATH). Any remaining effect of a spell (such as ""lose turn"" or ""move back two spaces"") still takes effect." Counteraction Spell Incoming point-based spell 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Revolution "Rotate every sector by the same amount, to be chosen by a random die roll. 1 = 90ø clockwise; 2 = 180ø; 3 = 90ø counterclockwise; 4 = your choice. ?You say you want a revolution...?" Neutral Spell All sectors 12/23/2003 Avatar Rewarp "Swap two external sector exits. Signify their new directions by placing the ""A"" tokens on one set of exits and the ""B"" tokens on the other set of exits. These stay in place unless any one token of the four is moved by use of RELOCATE SECTOR, in which case REWARP goes away. REWARP affects entire sector sides. ROTATE SECTOR does not rotate the counters." Neutral Spell Two external sector exits 12/19/2003 "~2 sets of 2 tokens each: A, A, B, B" Tom Jolly Ricochet Allows you to bounce any LOS spell around two 90 degree corners. REFLECTIONS will still reach you. Neutral Modifier One of your spells 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Root "Momentarily (during the current player's turn only) prevents target from moving or being moved, even by spells such as TELEPORT, FEAR, UGLY or BIG MAN. Useable on self, on another character in LOS during her movement, or on an object in LOS that's about to be moved or picked up. If used against SWAP or TRADE spells, the non-rooted character/object still moves." Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Self (or any in LOS) LOS 12/21/2003 Barrett & Avatar Root (old version) "Momentarily (during the current player's turn only) prevents you from moving or being moved, even by spells such as TELEPORT OPPONENT, FEAR, UGLY or BIG MAN. If used against SWAP, opponent still appears in your square." Counteraction Spell Self (vs. being moved) 12/21/2003 Jeff Barrett Rosebush "Creates a fragrant but thorny rosebush which fills one square, blocking LOS. Causes 3 damage to anyone passing through it. 5 points of damage will destroy it." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Rosebush Tom Jolly Rotate Sector Allows you to rotate any one sector 90 degrees. Neutral Spell Any sector 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Rotate Square "Rotates one square up to 180ø in any direction, ""dragging"" along those walls which lie alongside the square." Neutral Spell Any square in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 Robj Rotate Wall "Rotates one wall panel or door 180 degrees. Anything on one side of the wall section (including otherwise immovable characters or objects) finds itself suddenly on the other side. This spell will not change the location of a HOME BASE, nor will it rotate an immovable creation onto a HOME BASE. If the latter is attempted, the spell fails completely." Neutral Spell One wall section in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Reed Safe "Creates an immobile safe, within which you can secure one treasure or other item. All LOCK-type cards will work on it. To smash it open takes 15 damage, and it is immune to FIRE. Getting an item from a safe counts as picking that item up. Safe dispels if item removed. Creator of safe knows the combination and may open it freely. Like all creations, a safe cannot be placed on a HOME BASE." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Safe Tom Jolly Scapegoat "An innocent goat that you control, having 3 life points and a movement rate of 3, instantly appears in your square. While in LOS of any opponent, it is automatically the target of any LOS attacks by that opponent." Counteraction Created Creature Same square (vs. LOS attacks) 12/19/2003 ~goat with bullseye Klimek Sector Decompression "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. All characters and moveable objects in the current sector are moved 1-4 spaces towards a random particular exit, by the nearest unobstructed path. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Action Same sector 12/22/2003 Klimek Shadow "Creates a temporary, undead shadow that you control. Maintaining it costs 1 of your life points at the beginning of each turn, starting the turn created. Shadow can punch for 1 damage, move 3 spaces per turn, and carry (but not use) items. It cannot be altered by spells such as MIST-BODY, SHRINK, etc. Any damage at all destroys it. Sustaining the shadow during a ""lost turn"" still costs a life-point." Neutral Created Monster (Undead) Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Shadow Tom Jolly Shadowstone "POWER: While you have this stone, any damage you do physically (e.g., punch or dagger) to an opponent adds to your points equal to the damage done. Display when used." Magic Stone Item Self 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Shatter "Quadruples damage done by an attack against any non-wizard target (walls, creatures, bushes, etc.)" Neutral Modifier One of your attacks 12/23/2003 Tom Jolly Shatterstick "Each charge quadruples damage done by one of your attacks against any non-wizard target (walls, creatures, bushes, etc.) Charges = NUMBER card. Usable once per turn; discard when used." Neutral Item Your attacks vs. non-wizards 12/23/2003 Avatar Shelter Minion Negates any one attack targeting a creature that you directly control. The creature does not have to be within your LOS. Counteraction Spell Spell that targets your creature 12/21/2003 Jeff Barrett Shieldstone "POWER: While you have this stone, you may use a NUMBER card as a COUNTERACTION against point or duration-based spells, reducing effects by value of the NUMBER card played. No effect without a NUMBER card. Display when used." Magic Stone Item Self (vs. incoming spells) 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Shift Stick "Each charge moves opponent one space from where he is, to whichever adjacent space you choose (even through a wall). Not useable on self. Charges = NUMBER card. Usable once per turn; discard when used." Attack Item Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stick Tom Jolly Shock Wave "Does magical damage equal to the NUMBER card played. If any damage gets through, all carried items are knocked out of opponent's hands and into the square behind him (away from you). If there is no space behind opponent, the items just fall in the square he is in." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Shrink "Recipient shrinks. Opponent must roll a 1 or 2 on the D4 to hit in any attack. Attacks that miss hit nothing. Base movement is halved (round up), but NUMBER cards can be played normally. Cancels BIG MAN. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral / Counteraction Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Skeleton "Creates an undead skeleton warrior that you control. Movement: 3, Life: 4. Skeleton punches for 2 damage, and only PHYSICAL damage can destroy it." Attack Created Monster (Undead) Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Skeleton Tom Jolly Slow "Reduces opponent's movement to 1 space per turn (can't add NUMBER cards or other speed-enhancing spells), and his attacks to every second turn. Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Slow Death "Curses opponent, causing 1 magical damage whenever he draws a new card. This is permanent. Opponent can have less than seven cards in his hand if desired. ABSORB DAMAGE and BLUNT work momentarily against this card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Smelly Sock "You must drop this item to use it. No one will enter the square with the sock, and anyone already there must leave the square at the next available opportunity. If damaged, the sock is destroyed." Neutral Item Same square Touch 12/21/2003 ~smelly sock Cedrik Sneeze "Draw a random card from opponent's hand. If this card is a spell (or an item that casts spells), it goes off in a random direction from opponent, affecting the nearest legal target in that direction. Otherwise, the card is dropped (if possible) or discarded." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Kerim Aydin Someone Else's Problem "Redirects an incoming SPELL to a second opponent in LOS. If that opponent REFLECTs the attack, it is sent back to the original caster. Cannot be used unless there is an applicable target." Counteraction Spell Incoming spell (special) LOS 12/19/2003 Brainiac Soulstone "POWER: While you have this stone, your last 3 life points cannot be taken by spell attack; they can only be lost to physical damage. Life points spent voluntarily, as in POWER RUN, are not affected by Soulstone. Display when used." Magic Stone Item Self (vs. magical attacks) 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Speed "Allows one extra turn. Cannot be used during a ""lost turn"", as you would have no turn in which to use it. Must be played before new cards are drawn after first turn. You may draw cards after each turn. (Any CREATURES you control get an extra turn, too.)" Neutral Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Speed Bump Creates a magical speed bump in an empty space. Anyone entering the square with speed bump takes 1 damage for each space more than two they move that turn. COUNTERACTABLE as a spell. Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Speed Bump Klimek Speedstone "POWER: While you have this stone, your movement rate is increased by 1. Display when used." Magic Stone Item Self 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Spell Stone "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. POWER: While you have this stone, you may draw an extra card each turn, up to your normal hand limit." Magic Stone Item Self 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Steal Enchantment "Removes an enchantment from another character and applies it to yourself, with all of its current modifiers and remaining duration. If the enchantment reduces your chance to hit (e.g., INVISIBLE), you must still successfully hit your opponent. Does not work on objects, but does work on permanent enchantments such as LIFESAVER." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 Brainiac Sticks And Stones "Inflicts magical damage to opponent equal to the number of MAGIC STICKS he carries plus the number of MAGIC STONES he carries, times the NUMBER card played. If REFLECTED, does 1/2 damage to each player based on their own sticks and stones." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 Tom Jolly Sticky Stick "Each charge covers an enemy with webs, reducing movement by -3 (enemy can still use NUMBER cards for movement). Lasts one turn. Any FIRE damage done to someone in webs burns the webs off and causes 2 extra points of damage. Charges = NUMBER card. Usable once per turn; discard when used." Attack Item Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stick Tom Jolly Stinkstone "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. POWER: While you have this item, no other character may choose to enter your space. If anyone begins his turn on your space, he must immediately leave the space (if possible). No effect on UNDEAD." Magic Stone Item Self (vs. any in same square) Touch NUMBER 12/23/2003 ~Magic Stone Lindsey Dubb Stone Bane "Destroys all MAGIC STONES carried by opponent. You gain 1 life point for every stone destroyed. If REFLECTED, both players lose all stones and gain 1/2 point for each of opponent's stones (round up)." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 Brainiac Stone Dead "Does magical damage to opponent equal to the NUMBER card played times the number of MAGIC STONES he carries. If REFLECTED, does 1/2 damage to each player based on their own stones." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 Tom Jolly Stone Golem "Creates a stone behemoth that you control. Movement: 3, Life: 10. Punches for D4+1 damage. Golem is dispelled instantly by DESTROY WALL or STONE TO WATER, or if it is ever outside your LOS at the end of your turn." Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/22/2003 ~Stone Golem Lindsey Dubb Stone To Water "Turns either a wall or a solid stone block into water. A wall turns into a WATERWALL with a range of 2. A solid stone block turns to a WATERWALL with a range of 4. In the latter case, any character within 4 spaces is washed back 4 spaces (including you, if applicable). Anyone who can't go straight back 4 spaces takes 1 point of physical damage for each space not moved." Neutral Spell Stone wall section or block in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 Tom Jolly Stonewalk "This turn, you may enter into and move within stone walls or stone-filled squares instead of normal spaces. You cannot be seen, but have LOS out of the wall you are in, and may drop items on either side, but may not pick up items. STONEWALK lasts until you exit a wall or the wall you are in is destroyed." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self 12/21/2003 Klimek Strength "Doubles all physical damage recipient does to others, and allows him to physically tear an item (including TREASURE) out of the grasp of someone in the same space (an ATTACK). (This does NOT count as picking up an item and does not end one's turn.) The opponent must roll a 1 on the D4 to retain the item each turn. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Stumble Stick "Each charge can be used to trip an opponent in your square. Opponent loses 2 movement points on her next turn, and on a roll of 1-2 on the D4, also drops any carried TREASURE. Charges = NUMBER card. Usable once per turn; discard when used." Attack Item Opponent in same square Touch 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stick Avatar Sub-Wizard "Creates a short, aggressive warlock that you control. Movement: 3, Life: 6. Sub-Wizard can cast a 3 point mini-FIREBALL each turn, but cannot carry anything. Any FIREBALL damage that gets through destroys all MAGIC STONES carried by opponent." Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~sub-Wizard Tom Jolly Sucker "Causes an opponent in your LOS to suddenly discover that the treasure she is carrying is a fake! It suddenly disappears from her hands. Place the treasure token back on the space it started on at the beginning of the game. (If in question, attacker chooses between the two starting spaces.)" Attack Spell Opponent carrying a treasure in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Sudden Death Does 10 magical damage to any target. Attack Spell Any in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Super-Dodge "You may dodge (without moving into another square) any one PHYSICAL ATTACK (including a falling DESTROYED WALL), and have a 50% chance to avoid an LOS SPELL attack. This spell is cast on yourself, so it may not be absorbed by another character." Counteraction Spell Self (vs. incoming attack) 12/22/2003 Tom Jolly Suspense "Any LOS spell just cast at you may be frozen in the caster's square without taking effect. Use a token to mark the spot. The frozen spell will retarget the next character to enter the square. REFLECTION or FULL REFLECTION may be used to redirect the suspended spell as it is triggered, to a new target in LOS." Counteraction Spell Incoming LOS spell LOS 12/23/2003 ~Suspended Spell Klimek Swap "Swap places with any opponent. Counts as your movement for the turn. FULL REFLECTION, if used against SWAP, merely nullifies it." Attack Spell Opponent (no LOS needed) 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Swap Home Bases "Swap your HOME BASE with any other player, so long as you both have an equal number of treasures on your home bases. You must be within LOS of the player with whom you are swapping." Neutral Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Swap Meet "Swap any two carried items (your choice) with an opponent. REFLECTION nullifies the spell. FULL REFLECTION lets the opponent decide which items, if any, will be swapped." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Swap Sectors "You may swap (but not rotate) any two sectors. REWARP and PERMAWARP counters do not move with the sectors, but remain in place, as does the AUTOWARP if used. Not applicable if there are only 2 sectors." Neutral Spell Any two sectors 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Swarthmore's Enchantment "Adds 1 point of magical damage to the damage done by any object (such as DAGGER, MAGIC STONES, THORNBUSH, etc.) This enchantment is permanent unless REMOVE CURSE is cast on the target." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Any object in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Sword "When used, this razor-sharp blade causes 4 damage to anything in the same or an adjacent square. Anyone carrying the sword may not cast spells other than COUNTERACTIONS." Attack Item Any in same or adjacent square Touch 12/21/2003 ~sword Cedrik Telekinesis "Makes a moveable, uncarried object move up to NUMBER spaces at your command, sliding across the floor as it does so. If the target is not in your LOS, it moves randomly (roll direction for each space moved)." Neutral Spell Any moveable uncarried object in LOS 12/21/2003 Smith Telepath "View any one opponent's cards, one time only." Attack Spell Opponent (no LOS needed) 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Teleport "Lets you teleport to any square within 4 spaces, but not to a HOME BASE. You may take your normal movement before playing this card, but your movement ends after you play it. If used as a COUNTERACTION, the attack has no chance of hitting and hits nothing. (If destination is not an empty square, you are affected normally by any contents.)" Neutral / Counteraction Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Teleport Beacon "When this item is turned ON, if any character tries to teleport, they end up in the same space as the beacon. Has no effect on teleported objects. Beacon can be carried, or it can be dropped anywhere on the board. If you secretly carry this, it is assumed to be ON unless you announce otherwise. You can switch it ON or OFF anytime during your turn (without picking it up). It must be OFF for you to teleport yourself. COUNTERACTABLE as a spell." Neutral Item Anyone teleporting 12/23/2003 ~Two-sided on/off Teleport Beacon token Tom Jolly Teleport Creation "Teleports any created character or object in your LOS to any vacant space (except a HOME BASE) on the board, including normally immobile creations such as a PIT, SAFE, etc." Neutral Spell Any creation in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Teleport Object "Allows you to teleport a moveable, uncarried object up to 4 spaces (but not to a HOME BASE). You must have LOS with the object before you teleport it, not necessarily with its destination." Neutral Spell Any moveable uncarried object in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Teleport Opponent "Teleports opponent to any square on the board, excluding squares that permit no occupant (e.g., SOLID STONE), but including otherwise occupied spaces. (If REFLECTED, opponent chooses where to send you -- but unlike a regular TELEPORT, you may still finish your normal movement.)" Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Termite Infestation "In sector where cast, all doors and wood-based creatures take ten-points of damage. All BRAMBLES, BUSHES and MAGIC STICKS in the sector (either in hand or dropped) are destroyed." Neutral Spell Same sector 12/19/2003 Klimek Thief "Not a spell. You may steal one NON-TREASURE item from an opponent in your square. If you know about a specific item, you can take that one; otherwise, opponent chooses which item to give you (if he has any)." Attack Action Opponent in same square Touch 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Thornbush "Creates a thornbush that permanently blocks an entire square. 5 points of damage will destroy it. If a character enters it, his turn ends, he loses his next turn, and he takes 1 point of physical damage from thorns. Blocks LOS." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 ~Thornbush Tom Jolly Thought Steal "Remove and keep two random cards from an opponent's hand, including ones that are displayed." Attack Spell Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Thumb Of God "Allows you to flip the die from a distance of no less than six inches onto the board so as to hit playing tokens. Whichever space the tokens land closest to is where they must be located, including tokens knocked off the board. There is no COUNTERACTION against this spell." Attack Spell Playing tokens 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Thunderstorm "A sudden downpour of rain floods the sector you are in, extinguishing all fires, washing away SLIME, OIL and TACKS, and filling all PITS with water for 1 turn. There is also a 1/4 chance for each character in the sector that he will be hit by a one-point (physical) lightning bolt and stunned for 1 round. Bolts may be individually COUNTERACTED." Neutral Spell Same sector 12/21/2003 Klimek Time Bomb "Place this item in same or adjacent empty square, along with two face-down number counters (not NUMBER cards) representing a fuse, which decrements one point for each player's turn. When the count reaches zero, exploding bomb does 10 damage to everything in the square (including walls and doors) and 5 damage to everything in each adjacent square. Bomb stops ""ticking"" if picked up, and fuse may be subsequently reset (or discarded)." Attack Item Same or adjacent empty square Touch 12/21/2003 "~2-sided token: 1. Ticking bomb; 2. Blast scar (marks damage to affected walls, etc.)" Klimek Time Draft "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. All active duration spells cease. Each player discards all his cards and refills his hand. Any TRAPS drawn are discarded and replaced. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Action Everyone 12/19/2003 Klimek Time Glitch Take into your hand all cards cast or discarded during the previous player's turn. You may add them to your hand (ignoring hand-size limitations) until the end of your turn. Neutral Spell Self 12/19/2003 Klimek Time Warp "Makes a number of turns zip by equal to the NUMBER card played. This affects all duration-type spells by burning up any turns left for the spell. Effects of active duration spells, such as damage, still occur. No one can perform any action during these lost turns (except INTERRUPT). Your turn then continues as normal." Neutral Spell All active duration spells 12/23/2003 Tom Jolly Tiny Dodge "You may leap instantly into an adjacent space. If this move blocks LOS of an incoming LOS attack, or otherwise takes you out of range, the attack fails" Counteraction Spell Self (vs. incoming attack) 12/19/2003 Klimek Tiny Swap "Lets you swap any two UNCARRIED objects, characters, or any combination of the same, as long as both are in your LOS. In the case of swapping a character for a created wall, the character could end up in either square adjacent to where the wall was, and vice-versa. Both targets, once swapped, must still be in your LOS afterwards. Cannot be used to place an immovable creation on a HOME BASE." Neutral Spell Special (in LOS) LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Trader "Swap any two moveable items that are resting on the floor, both within your line-of-sight. Does not overcome GLUE. Does not work on characters." Neutral Spell Two mobile items on the floor in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 Tom Jolly Transfer Curse "Transfers one curse or enchantment that is currently on yourself to an opponent in the same square. Can include items like the LOADSTONE, temporary conditions like BLIND, or permanent conditions like SLOW DEATH." Attack Spell Opponent in same square Touch 12/21/2003 Reed Transformation "Lose one from either your base attack, movement, or hand size and add one to your base attack, movement, or hand size for the rest of the game. (For example, you could choose to permanently reduce your hand size from seven to six to increase your base movement from three to four.) Creatures with no inherent hand size cannot be granted one via this spell." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS 12/19/2003 Smith Trap! "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. You fool! You just walked into an old trap. Lose your next turn. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Spell Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Treasure Sight "Allows you to cast one LOS spell through one of your treasures; you may target something in LOS of it, including a character that?s carrying it. Reflected spells affect the treasure (if possible), but don?t affect you." Neutral Modifier One of your spells 12/21/2003 Avatar Tree Ent "Creates a tall wooden creature that you control. Movement: 2, Life: 8. Tree Ent can hit opponents (even flying ones) in same or adjacent space for 1 damage, or attempt to knock a carried item out of an opponent's hands. (Attempt succeeds on a roll of 1 or 2 on the D4.)" Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Tree Ent Klimek Trick Door "Anyone who has just walked through a doorway instantly appears in any square on the board you choose, as long as it?s adjacent to a door. Useable on self." Counteraction Spell Anyone using a door (no LOS needed) 12/19/2003 Klimek Troll "Creates a rock-hard beast that you control. Movement: 3, Life: 6. Troll punches for 1-4 damage, and at the end of each turn it can regenerate 1 lost life point." Attack Created Monster Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Troll Tom Jolly Troll-Booth "Creates a Toll-Booth on an empty square, attended by a stationary TROLL. (Any other TROLL in play must move at normal rate directly to the booth, ignoring its controller.) Anyone may purchase passage across this space by paying (each) TROLL three cards from his hand. If destruction or evacuation of troll(s) results in toll-booth being unattended, it disappears. (Trolls have 6 life points, 3 movement, regenerate 1 life point per turn, and punch for 1-4 damage.)" Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Troll-Booth Klimek Turn Blue Hold your breath and turn blue to cancel any attack. But lose your next turn. Counteraction Spell Self (vs. incoming attack) 12/19/2003 Klimek Ugly "Recipient momentarily becomes so ugly that all opponents in LOS immediately retreat as far away as necessary to avoid LOS, along the shortest path available. This happens during YOUR turn. Passage through firewalls and bushes blocks LOS. For multiple corridor choices, opponent rolls D4 for random direction. Affects SHRUNK and INVISIBLE opponents. The ugliness fades immediately after taking effect." Neutral Spell Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Ultimate Veto "CANCEL ANY CARD just used, fully negating its effects. DISCARD YOUR ENTIRE HAND. Nothing may overrule Ultimate Veto." Counteraction Spell Any card 12/19/2003 Klimek Unfamiliar "Give a spell to an opponent's monster. On a roll of 1-3 (D4), the monster comes under your control. Either way, the monster can cast whatever spell you give him on a subsequent turn." Attack Spell Opponent's monster in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Klimek Unlabeled Wand "After charging this item (charges equals NUMBER card played), determine which spell it can cast by selecting randomly from the top of the deck. Non-spells are discarded until a useable spell is selected. After all charges are expended, the wand vanishes." Neutral Item Random spell 12/21/2003 ~Wand Klimek Vampire Form "Recipient transforms into a bat. Base movement increases to 7, he can bite for 2 damage, and the chances of being hit by any attack are 1 in 4. May not carry treasures or cast spells, but can carry and use other items. Can fly over obstacles that don?t reach the ceiling. The turn bat changes back, base movement returns to normal. Duration = NUMBER card. (If cast on self, you may end the spell before the full duration.)" Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 ~Vampire (wizard) Tom Jolly Vending Machine "Creates a permanent, immovable vending machine. For any character, dispenses a number of cards (drawn from the deck) equal to the NUMBER card played. Each use requires a new NUMBER card; no effect without one. Must be on the same square as the vending machine to use it, and doing so ends turn. (The player may subsequently discard and draw, as usual)." Neutral Created Object Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/23/2003 ~Vending Machine Klimek Visionstone "POWER: While you have this stone, you can see and cast LOS spells through any one wall (any type) or door. Only functions when you want it to, but REFLECTED SPELLS STILL AFFECT YOU. Does not work with UGLY, as opponent cannot see you. A corner counts as two walls. Display when used." Magic Stone Item Self 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stone Tom Jolly Walking Dead "Curses opponent, causing 1/2 point of damage for every space he moves. This is permanent. BLOODSTONE will nullify the effect." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Wall Of Fire "Creates a temporary barrier of fire across any corridor. Anyone passing through it takes 4 magical damage. As a COUNTERACTION, it will stop a WATERBOLT. Blocks LOS. Duration = NUMBER card." Neutral / Counteraction Created Object Between any two squares (in LOS) LOS NUMBER 12/21/2003 ~Wall of Fire Tom Jolly Wall Of Fog "Creates a wall of fog which allows movement but not LOS through it. It is permanent until destroyed or dispelled. Wall of Fire and Wall of Fog will destroy one another. Fireball and Waterwall will dispel it (but Fireball would lose all effectiveness, while Waterwall would not)." Neutral Created Object Between any two squares in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Wall of Fog Tom Jolly Wall Of Glass Creates a glass wall which allows LOS but not movement through it. It is permanent until destroyed. A single attack doing 6 damage or multiple attacks doing 10 damage will shatter it. Spells may be directed at the wall or through it. Neutral Created Object Between any two squares (in LOS) LOS 12/21/2003 ~Wall of Glass Tom Jolly Ward "When a character picks up one of your own treasures, you may play at that time (out of turn) this card on her, signifying that she has set off a trap (you need not specify in advance which treasure is trapped). Causes 3 magical damage; affected opponent also has a 50% chance of dropping the treasure. COUNTERACTIONS against WARD have no effect against you, but otherwise work as written." Neutral Spell Opponent (special) 12/23/2003 Tom Jolly Warp Mastery "Upon passing through any warp (i.e., an external sector exit, TRICK DOOR, or PERMAWARP), you may re-appear on the board at any other warp location of your choice. (For example, you could walk out an exit at the top of the board and into an entrance on the left-hand side.) Has no effect on the AUTO-WARP used in the three-player game." Neutral Spell Self 12/21/2003 Jeff Barrett Warp Stick "Each charge makes one section of wall (or door) disappear during your turn, reappearing at the end of your turn. Charges = NUMBER card. Usable once per turn; discard when used." Neutral Item One wall section in LOS LOS 12/21/2003 ~Magic Stick Tom Jolly Waterbolt "Blasts target with water. Power equals NUMBER card played; for each point, you may either cause 1 point of physical damage OR move the target 1 space away from you (if it is moveable). Targets cannot be washed around corners, but if hit at an angle they can be washed in the direction most nearly backwards. Extinguishes fires." Attack Spell Any in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Waterwall "Creates a wall of water that instantly collapses, washing any character within 2 spaces back 2 spaces (including you, if applicable). Anyone who can't go straight back 2 spaces takes 1 point of physical damage for each space not moved. Acts as COUNTERACTION to FIREBALL or WALL OF FIRE (while still washing characters). Extinguishes any fire in its path. Can't be cast up against another wall, only between two spaces." Neutral / Counteraction Spell Between any two squares (in LOS) LOS 12/23/2003 Tom Jolly Weakness "Opponent drops any TREASURE carried, and takes 2 times normal damage from any point-type spells or physical attacks. Opponent cannot carry treasure for this duration. WEAKNESS and STRENGTH cancel each other. Duration = NUMBER card." Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Werewolf Form "Recipient transforms into a large, hairy Werewolf. Base movement increases by 1, and he can punch for 1-4 damage. Werewolf may not cast spells except for COUNTERACTIONS, but can still carry and use all items. Recipient may remain a Werewolf indefinitely, but changing back stops the spell." Neutral Enchantment/Curse Self (or controlled creature in LOS) LOS 12/21/2003 ~Werewolf (wizard) Tom Jolly Wheel of Fortune "Discard your current hand and refill it with new cards. At the end of the current turn, all cards just drawn must again be discarded. (Does not itself counter an attack, but may provide you with a counteraction which can.)" Counteraction Spell Self 12/19/2003 Klimek Whip "When you use this item to attack an opponent in LOM, roll a D4. On a 1-3, opponent takes 1 damage and drops one carried item of your choice (among those you know about). On a roll of 4, you accidentally hit yourself: suffer the same effects (you choose which item to drop), and immediately end your turn." Attack Item Opponent in LOM LOM 12/21/2003 ~Whip Avatar Whoops! "DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY. You clumsy oaf. You just tripped on a loose stone! Take 1 physical damage and drop any carried TREASURE, now. Discard after use and redraw." Trap Action Self 12/19/2003 Game Cabinet Wimp Reduces all damage dealt by opponent to zero. Duration equals NUMBER card played. Attack Enchantment/Curse Opponent in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 Cedrik Wishing Well "Creates a PIT, filled with water. Falling into well causes no damage, but ends move. Swimming across costs an extra movement point. Any magic stone entering the well (by any means) is dissolved, and generates a free ""wish"": dispel any artifact, or remove any curse/active duration spell. LOS exists both into & out, but fire-based spells cannot be cast nor affect anyone inside well. (To jump over a pit, roll a D4. On a roll of 1 you fall in, taking 2 damage. Roll a 1 or 2 on later turns to climb out. Takes a whole turn to climb in or out.)" Neutral Created Object Any empty square 12/21/2003 Well Klimek Wizardblade "Each time you play a NUMBER card on the Wizardblade, you can attack once for that much magical damage. Does NO damage without a NUMBER card. Wizardblade damage is considered a SPELL." Attack Item Any in same square Touch 12/21/2003 ~Wizardblade Tom Jolly Wiz-Fu All PHYSICAL damage in the game is increased by +1. Duration = NUMBER card. Neutral Spell All physical damage in the game NUMBER 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly Word of Recall "Teleports you to your HOME BASE, thus avoiding any spell which was cast on you. If cast on your own turn, this ends your movement. Any TREASURE you were carrying drops to the ground in the space from which you teleported." Neutral / Counteraction Spell Self 12/21/2003 Lindsey Dubb Wraith "Creates a sinister, undead wraith that you control. Movement: 3, Life: 4. Wraith can move through one wall or other obstacle per turn at will. If touched by the wraith, opponents take 2 magical damage and lose a random card. REFLECTIONS used on the wraith's touch will damage the wraith." Attack Created Monster (Undead) Any empty square in LOS LOS 12/19/2003 ~Wraith Tom Jolly X-Ray Vision Allows LOS through any two walls (or other obstacles) to cast any one spell. REFLECTED spells that would have to pass through something have no effect on you. Neutral Modifier Self 12/19/2003 Tom Jolly